This workshop is aimed at anyone who is interested in understanding the basic functional movement patterns that underpin all swimming strokes.
It will help you to:
understand the mobility and stability requirements for these movements,
support you in evaluating your own capabilities and
give you practical and progressive exercise options for improvement.
The workshop is based around the training provided by Lindsay Dunn (England Programs) to coaches within the SE ASA in April 2016. It will be a practical and interactive workshop suitable for Masters Swimmers, coaches and squad swimmers.
The course will cover:
The functional mobility and stability elements of Streamline position with details of how to evaluate and improve each element.
Rotational Stability – understanding its role in asymmetrical strokes and progressive exercises for improvement.
De-rotational Stability – understanding its role in symmetrical strokes and progressive exercises for improvement.
Please wear clothing suitable for floor based physical exercise. The course will be run by Caroline Telfer who is a swimming teacher with Marlins and Sports & Remedial Massage Therapist who has significant experience of working with sub-optimal movement patterns in Masters Swimmers.
7.30pm - 9pm
22 November 2016
Main Sports Hall, Hassocks Sports Centre, Downlands Community School, Dale Avenue, Hassocks, BN 6 8LP.
£10 Mid-Sussex Marlins members, £20 Non-members
Max 20 persons
To book your place please email Caroline on